Income Drawdown

Income Drawdown is one of the options of receiving your Pension when you retire. It is the alternative to buying an Annuity with your accumulated pension savings to provide you with an income in retirement. When you retire, you transfer your accumulated pension to an Income Drawdown Provider who invests your funds and allows you to take out cash as and when you need it.
There are two rules that govern an Income Drawdown Plan:
At the end of 10 years if you have a balance in your Income Drawdown Plan, you can take any of the following options:
The main advantage of an Income Drawdown Plan is that it provides you with flexibility that is not available with Pension Annuity. For instance;
The main limitation with an Drawdown Plan is that it does not guarantee you an income for life.
At Retirement Solutions , we help you evaluate if an Income Drawdown Plan the right income option for you and if it is, how you should structure it to suit your needs.
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